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  • Geography of LesothoDatum23.08.2024 15:08
    Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Lesotho is considered to be a large nation because of its total area. Its total land area is 30,355 km² (approx. 11,720 mi²). Continental shelf of Lesotho is approximately 0 km² (around 0 mi²). Lesotho is located in Africa. Africa is the world’s second-largest and second-most populous continent. African countries include, but are not limited to, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Egypt. Lesotho shares its borders with South Africa. Lesotho is a landlocked country. The average elevation range of Lesotho is 2,161 m (7,090 ft).

    Total length of land borders of Lesotho is 1106 kilometers (~427 miles). Lesotho has 1 unique land boundary with a neighbouring territory - South Africa. The length of said border is 909 km (565 mi).

    The capital city of Lesotho is Maseru. The largest city in Lesotho is Maseru.

    The average elevation range of Lesotho is 2,161 m (7,090 ft). The highest point of Lesotho is Thabana Ntlenyana, with its official height being 3482 m (11,424 ft). The lowest point of Lesotho is Orange River. It lies at 1400 m (4,593 ft) above the sea level. The elevation difference between the highest (Thabana Ntlenyana) and lowest (Orange River) points of Lesotho is 2082 m (2 ft).

    The total land area of Lesotho is 30,355 km² (approx. 11,720 mi²). and the total exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is 0 km² (~0 mi²). The continental shelf of Lesotho is approximately 0 km² (around 0 mi²). Including land mass and EEZ, the total area of Lesotho is approximately 30,355 km² (~11,720 mi²). Lesotho is considered to be a large nation because of its total area.

    Forest and arable land
    80 km² of Lesotho's territory is covered in forests, and forest land comprises 0% of all the land in the country. There are 3,300 km² of arable land in Lesotho, and it comprises 11% of the country's total territory.

  • Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    In general, all jurisdictions can be divided into classic offshore, low-tax jurisdictions and prestige jurisdictions. The prestige of a jurisdiction corresponds to its rank, which is determined by considering and evaluating information from the International Sanctions List, the OECD Gray or Black List and the EU Jurisdiction White List as well as data on the development of financial markets to determine whether the jurisdiction is FATF AML is deficient and whether there are money laundering concerns. These are the basic criteria that matter in determining whether the jurisdiction is prestigious or not. It cannot be considered prestigious if it is on a financial blacklist.

    Austria, France, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Switzerland are among the top five most reputable jurisdictions for incorporating a company.

    A general overview of Austria
    Registering a company or start-up in this territory allows the owner(s) to participate in all projects initiated by the Austrian government. The basic company types available are LLC, ULP, PJSC, PLLC, LLP, and JSC.

    Taxes: The income tax rate is 25%, with a minimum corporation tax of EUR 500, plus 20% VAT and a capital tax that varies between 0.8% and 1%. If the subsidiary is registered within the EU, the tax rate on dividend income is 0%; if not, it is 25%.

    Austria has agreements with more than 90 countries that enable companies to avoid double taxation. It has no exchange control. This jurisdiction ensures the confidentiality of business data.

    A general overview of France
    France is a respectable jurisdiction that allows your company to offer products and services bearing the mark of a European company. The basic legal structures available are SP, GP, PJSC, PJSC, LLC, CLS and LLPE.

    France offers a number of options: the ability to obtain credit from French banks, the ability to obtain a residence permit, no taxation for companies registered in the country doing business outside of France, and no exchange controls. France has agreements with more than 89 other countries that allow companies to avoid double taxation.

    A general overview of the United Kingdom
    The UK is considered a respectable jurisdiction due to its high level of legal protection, a simple and transparent tax system, the ability to charge VAT and the availability of nominee services.

    The basic company types available in the UK are PC, Limited Warranty Company, ULC and LLC. Again, there are no tax obligations for UK registered companies operating exclusively outside the country. Corporate tax rates depend on profit (between 20% and 24%). The UK has agreements with more than 100 countries that allow companies to avoid double taxation.

    A general overview of the United States of America
    The US offers a respectable, highly trusted jurisdiction for a company to register, allowing it to offer products and services bearing a US company's trademark. This jurisdiction imposes no tax obligations on entities designated as non-resident and also permits nominee services. There is no taxation for companies incorporated in the country that do all their business outside of the United States.

    The basic legal structures available are private contractor, corporation, branch of a foreign corporation, representative office of a foreign corporation, partnership, LLC, joint venture, or LLJSC.

    A general overview of Switzerland
    The good reputation of this jurisdiction is based on several factors, such as strong business development, a dynamic economy and a track record of innovation. The most important corporate forms available in Switzerland are LLC, ULP, JSC, Commandite Partnership and Subsidiary.

    Switzerland offers a high level of confidentiality, the world's leading currency, mechanisms to avoid double taxation, a reasonable tax system with tax rates depending on residence, income level and legal form of the company, tax optimization opportunities and the opportunity to set up service companies that can for the administration used for the business activities of the parent company and can serve as the overseas offices of international companies.

  • Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    In general electronic commerce (EC) or as it is called e-commerce is defined as commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet, Intranet, Extranet, World Wide Web, by email and by fax. These transactions aren't required to have a price and include both sales and items like free downloads. All the transaction can be made on a global scale.

    Simply put, e-commerce means buying and selling goods online. It also includes other types of activities related to business transactions. The latest and nearest branches of e-commerce include mobile commerce, when goods are sold using different mobile devices and Facebook commerce which provides an audience to transact business.

    E-commerce involves the creation of new value business structures and business relationships between companies, their customers and suppliers.

    Examples of e-commerce business
    Best examples of e-commerce are: online shopping (e.g., electronic payments (e.g. PayPal), online auctions (e.g. eBay), online ticketing (e.g. Ecolines) and internet banking (online bank accounts). It can be executed in two ways – business to business transactions (B2B) between traders, retailers and manufacturers on both sides, business to consumer (B2C) between businesses and consumers and between consumers (C2C), where both parties involved in transactions are creating barter-type deals. Third type of e-commerce transactions can be clearly described as auctions.

    There are various ways to execute business deals: email exchange, online catalogs and digital coupons, shopping carts operating with the help of operating system software used to allow consumers to purchase goods and services as well as to easily track customers by putting together all trade aspects into one cohesive whole, File Transfer, social media marketing, targeted advertisements and other web services.

    E-commerce industry brief overview
    E-commerce helps to save time by speeding up the whole selling process, ensuring wider range of goods in one place, stay available around-the-clock, to find target audience, create and accept business offers and lowers transactions’ costs as well. This means that there are no barriers of time or distance while using the Net. However, it is still not possible to do some important things using this way of making business. For example, consumers as well as retailers and traders are not able to touch the goods straightway and have a tangible experience of the interested items.

    Businesses started to use electronic data for sharing their deals in early 1690-s,. In 1979 the American National Standards Institute developed a universal standard for businesses to share business data through electronic networks called ASC X12. The whole industry hit the road in the 1990s with the development of and eBay. Past 5 years are recorded to be nourishing for Internet business transactions.

    According to data from the U.S. Commerce Department in 2015 Web sales made up to 341.7 billion USA dollars. E-commerce helps to keep things simple while having fewer limitations. It helps to boost the business, build up marketing automation systems, and manage sales and communication with clients and business partners remotely.

    Top jurisdictions for incorporating an e-commerce company
    Certain jurisdictions have some useful advantages for e-commerce businessmen and international online traders. For example, England has a mature investment and banking industry, allowing an online trade and ensuring a bridge between US market and companies looking forward to break into that market. France has a dedicated minister to digital business (Axelle Lemaire) by creating a brand (La French Tech) meant to promote French startups internationally. Germany or Berlin in particular enjoys lots of attention from famous tech multinationals such as Google Campus @ Factory. Top10 e-commerce markets by country also include China (rated 1), United States (rated 2), Japan (rated 4) and South Korea (rated 7). These ratings were made in 2014 and are based on the statistical data reflecting the amount of total online sales.

  • Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    With the right paperwork and initial outlay, it is possible for a foreign citizen to open a bank account in Antigua and Barbuda. This opportunity for international accounts and investments offers several advantages based on economic regulations and tax structures. Interest rates, tax laws, and fees vary depending on the specific country in which you are investing; careful research and strategic financial moves could result in significant portfolio growth.

    When considering opening a bank account in Antigua and Barbuda, one must enlist the help of international experts to guide them through the process.

    Legal structures in Antigua and Barbuda
    Every international jurisdiction abides by a different set of legal structures for taxation and banking. Confidus Solutions helps you to understand the nuances of each country's legal structures. To do business in Antigua and Barbuda, it will be critical for you to have a firm grasp on the financial and legal implications.

    Initial investments
    The vast majority of bank accounts in Antigua and Barbuda will require an initial financial outlay to secure account opening. This value differs from bank to bank and also depends on variable rates of currency exchange. An international finance expert will help to navigate these conversions as well as the assorted fees and minimums involved in sustaining a bank account. Be sure to understand interest and growth rates associated with any potential international bank account so that you are able to maximize your earnings while minimizing risk.

    Tax structures in Antigua and Barbuda
    For best results and to avoid bureaucratic and legal pitfalls, enlist the support of an expert in international finance and economics. This initial investment in proper processes and research will help to avoid a litany of long-term costs and fees associated with unforeseen errors and legal miscues. Language expertise, financial knowhow, and bureaucratic experience will ensure that your account opening is handled smoothly and without unintended consequences.

  • Bank account opening in PhilippinesDatum21.03.2023 11:52
    Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    With the right documentation and initial expenses, it is possible for a foreign citizen to open a bank account in the Philippines. This international account and investment opportunity offers several advantages based on economic regulations and tax structures. Interest rates, tax laws and fees vary depending on the country in which you invest; Careful research and strategic financial actions could result in significant portfolio growth.

    If one is considering opening a bank account in the Philippines, one must enlist the help of international experts to guide them through the process.

    Legal structures in the Philippines
    Each international jurisdiction adheres to different legal structures for taxation and banking. Confidus Solutions helps you understand the nuances of each country's legal structure. In order to do business in the Philippines, it is crucial that you have a thorough understanding of the financial and legal ramifications.

    Initial investments
    The vast majority of bank accounts in the Philippines require an initial financial outlay to secure the account opening. This value differs from bank to bank and also depends on variable exchange rates. An international financial expert will help navigate these conversions, as well as the various fees and minimums associated with maintaining a bank account. Make sure you understand the interest and growth rates associated with each prospective international bank account so you can maximize your returns while minimizing risk.

    Tax Structures in the Philippines
    To get the best results and avoid bureaucratic and legal pitfalls, enlist the support of an expert in international finance and economics. This initial investment in proper processes and research will help avoid a litany of long-term costs and fees related to unforeseen errors and legal errors. Language skills, financial know-how and bureaucratic experience ensure that your account opening is processed smoothly and without unintended consequences.

  • Doing business in French PolynesiaDatum12.02.2023 12:16
    Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    French Polynesian business consulting & solutions
    Order one of the offered French Polynesian business services and preparation of possible solutions will be undertaken. Confidus Solutions, in conjugation with a multitude of experts (French Polynesian local including), develops a strategy and creates a unique tailor-made corporate solution for each customer. Once the communication is established, you will receive a list of documents and information required to proceed.

  • Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Given that within the European Union there are no withholding taxes on IP royalties between member states, we can suggest a number of countries where royalties are particularly advantageous.

    In 2015 Ireland introduced an effective corporation tax rate of 6.25% on intellectual property income based on an allowance for research and development costs borne by the company. By linking the two components in this way, Irish law encourages companies to conduct R&D directly within the EU – leading to the creation of intellectual property – while discouraging them from acquiring licenses without directly committing to R&D.

    Belgium has introduced a tax system that favors those with income from acquired copyrights. This tax regime can have many different applications and can be used to protect artworks as well as a useful tax break for IT developers. Income from IP rights royalties is taxed at 15%. This income is not taken into account when calculating social security contributions. In addition, these taxes are reduced by 50% for imports due to the application of standard import costs. The first €15,000 that a copyright owner earns in a year is therefore taxed at 7.5%, and the next €15,000 at 11.25%. This tax system applies to people with a total annual income of up to 56,450 euros.

    In general, corporate tax in Luxembourg is 29.22%, but for IP licensing income it can be as low as 5.8%. This is due to an 80% corporate income tax exemption. Interestingly, this exemption also applies to companies that have registered a patent for use in connection with their own business, which then calculate a notional net income as if they had received the licensing income.

    Italy is a larger market compared to the other countries discussed and can be a very attractive place for a company to invest in R&D since 2015 companies have been able to deduct intellectual property income from their taxable income base. The tax deduction was set at 30% in 2015, 40% in 2016 and 50% from 2017. Businesses will therefore enjoy a significant tax rebate by reducing their taxable income.

    Since 2010, IP income has been taxed at only 5% in the Netherlands. Except for patents, there is no income limit. Patent holders can actually have access to this tax regime if their share of the expected revenue is between 30% and 70%, taking into account the total combined revenue from patents and other sources. These rates also apply to foreign companies owning intangible assets or companies that have received research and development accreditation from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs if they are owners of software IP or trade secrets. The only other caveat to this favorable tax regime is that it doesn’t apply to marketing and branding-related assets.

    The intellectual property royalties tax regime in Cyprus has changed as a result of the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Action Report 5 and the Ecofin Council conclusions published on 8 December 2015. Legislation has been changed to limit the companies that can benefit from research and development (R&D) exemptions, but the tax rate in Cyprus is still one of the most favorable in the EU for foreign companies using Cyprus intellectual property want to license -resident companies (intermediaries), where this right is then sub-licensed to the end user. Overall, the effective tax on IP royalty income should be less than 2.5%.

  • Infrastructure of SlovakiaDatum16.11.2022 14:50
    Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    The logistics performance index of Slovakia is 3.25. It indicates satisfactory performance - in general, traffic is handled well, some shortcomings in certain areas are possible, but overall the logistics system is reliable and ready to handle predictable traffic volumes.

    Inch performance is rated at 2.89. This indicates satisfactory performance - the customs clearance procedure is generally effective, although a long time can occasionally be a problem; the customs system certainly does not discourage international business activities; required documents and fees are generally publicly available.

    The quality of infrastructure in Slovakia is rated at 3.22. It indicates a satisfactory quality - roads, railways, ports and other facilities are capable of handling significant traffic at any time, and are also suitable for various types of transport vehicles and ships.

    International shipment quality is 3.3. It indicates satisfactory performance - the services are reasonable and the prices are not too high and usually correspond exactly to the quality, although there is still room for improvement.

    The competence of logistics service providers is rated at 3.16. The providers are competent - they ensure a good quality of their services and almost always maintain this level; Deficiencies, while still possible, are usually minor and do not discourage further use by providers.

    Tracking options for shipments are rated 3.02. It indicates satisfactory performance - the tracking systems provide all the basic information, as well as additional data about shipments; Mostly it also has a well-established cooperation with foreign and international tracking systems and usually offers information in several languages.

    Tracking options for shipments are rated at 3.94. This indicates good performance - shipments almost always arrive within scheduled time frames and often faster than expected.

    In Slovakia, 100% of the population has access to electricity. Slovakia has 35 airports nationwide. There are 1,384,000 internet hosts in Slovakia. The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Slovakia is 512.

    Road network
    Total road length in Slovakia is 38,985 km (24,229 miles). Of these, 769 km (478 miles) of roads are classified as freeways, dual carriageways, or freeways.

    Gas price
    On average, one liter of petrol costs USD 1.77 in Slovakia. A liter of diesel would cost $1.16.

  • Company formation in BangladeshDatum09.10.2022 17:11
    Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    The development of telecommunications and economic globalization have made it possible for interested investors to set up companies all over the world. With proper research, financial investment and legal backing, business ventures can be safely incorporated in almost any country in the world. Building an international business used to be a complicated entrepreneurial venture, but today it is commonplace with the help of experienced legal and business advisors.

    The advantages of founding a company abroad are as numerous as they are obvious. Many countries offer specific locational advantages, ranging from natural resources and well-established infrastructure to beneficial laws and regulations that encourage growth in a particular industry. Likewise, it can be difficult to start a business or an acquisition in your own country due to adverse situations: political or regulatory environment, lack of resources and more. In this situation, it makes sense to consider an overseas option that offers greater opportunities for growth, development, and success.

    Company registration in Bangladesh
    When starting a business in Bangladesh, an interested investor must conduct due diligence regarding legal procedures, international regulations and sufficient investments for success. It is crucial to understand cultural, social and political factors that influence starting and growing one's business. Failure to do so may result in unintended consequences. Poorly researched and toneless international launches often end in disaster as time, money and energy is wasted due to poor planning.

    Legal Documents
    Every country in the world presents its own intricate challenges when it comes to starting, developing and maintaining a business. Owners, financiers and investors must make these commitments with the support of a knowledgeable and experienced legal team. Only someone with in-depth knowledge of local and international corporate law will be able to set up an overseas business while avoiding the pitfalls that plague many new businesses.

    Additionally, smart business people can consider ways to invest in foreign companies without actually starting their own businesses. In these situations, it is still beneficial for the investor to partner with a knowledgeable global economics and litigation advisor. International investments create a truly diverse portfolio that offers growth opportunities that were unthinkable decades ago.

    Potential investors, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs should consider the existing infrastructure in Bangladesh when planning to start a new business. While extensive infrastructure and systems can help make the process of starting a business a smooth one, it could also represent market saturation and reduced growth potential. On the other hand, a lack of infrastructure is often a major obstacle to growth; However, the lack of infrastructure points to a clear market opening for a creative and efficient new business.

    Bank account opening in Bangladesh
    In connection with company formation, opening one or more bank accounts in Bangladesh is required. Confidus Solutions offers the ability to open a bank account in over twenty jurisdictions, making it easy for you to avoid challenging language barriers or bureaucratic hassles.

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